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Plant Extract

  • Portulaca oleracea Extract, Purslane Extract, Portulaca Extr
Portulaca oleracea Extract, Purslane Extract, Portulaca Extr

Portulaca oleracea Extract, Purslane Extract, Portulaca Extr

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Product Name: Portulaca oleracea Extract, Purslane Extract, Portulaca Extract, Bacopa Monnieri Extract
Inventory Update: 600kg
Other Names: Verdolaga, red root, pursley
Botanical Source: Portulaca oleracea L.
Part Used: Aerial part
Specification: 10:1, Flavone 1%
Appearance: Brown Fine Powder
Solubility: 100% water-soluble  
Brand: Yongyuan Bio.
Description: Portulaca oleracea is a kind of medicinal and edible plant, which is rich in nutrition and widely distributed in temperate and tropical regions, with an average yield in the north and south of China. Portulaca oleracea mainly contains alkaloids, terpenoids, coumarins, flavonoids, organic acids, volatile oil, and polysaccharides, including 8 new compounds. In terms of development and utilization, Portulaca oleracea is mainly involved in medicines, health food, cosmetics, hair care products, daily necessities, and animal feed. It is a promising Chinese medicinal material.
In terms of pharmacological action, Portulaca oleracea has multiple biological activities.
In cosmetics, Portulaca oleracea has good bacteriostatic, whitening, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, and is a safe and non-irritating cosmetic raw material. Purslane is rich in bioactive amino acids, which can relieve and inhibit skin itching caused by dryness, prevent dryness and aging of the skin, increase skin comfort and eliminate free radicals.
Portulaca oleracea is also rich in plant polysaccharides and vitamins, which can nourish the skin and reduce the formation of dead skin and cutin caused by dryness. At the same time, the flavonoids and saponins contained in Portulaca oleracea can resist oxidation and delay aging. Portulaca oleracea was used for beauty products in ancient times for freckles and acne.
There are more than 6,000 compound patents containing Portulaca oleracea at home and abroad, covering medicines, health food, cosmetics, hair care products, daily necessities, and animal feed. The application of Portulaca oleracea in foreign daily chemical products includes hand nursing preparation, toothpaste for gingivitis, Anti-hair loss shampoo, anti-prickly soap, skin whitening cosmetics, etc, and in animal feed include anti-diarrhea Chinese herbal compound feed, chicken natural antibiotics and so on.
Storage: Stored in sealed containers at a cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Shelf life: 2 years when properly stored.
Packing: 25KG/Drum.
We specialized in  manufacture and export of herbal extract with high quality and competitive price.
If you have any questions, welcome to contact me by sending email to yysale2@herbalextractcn.com  
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