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Plant Extract

  • Dioscorea nipponica Extract
Dioscorea nipponica Extract

Dioscorea nipponica Extract

  • Product Code:YYR405
  • Product Spec:10:1 TLC
  • Number of Clicks:500
  • Shelf Time:2021-08-04

Product name: Dioscorea nipponica Extract  
Latin name: Dioscorea nipponica Makino
Part Used: Rhizome
Active Ingredients: Diosgenin
Specification: 10:1 TLC
Appearance: Brown fine powder
Brand: Yongyuan Bio.

Dioscorea nipponica Extract: Dioscorea opposita is a genus of Dioscorea of the family Dioscoreaceae. Dioscorea opposita is the main steroid hormone medicinal plant in China and one of the world's highest resource plants in terms of diosgenin content. It is widely distributed in the northern and central subtropical regions. In china, it is produced in northeast China, Shaanxi, Gansu, etc.
Dioscorea opposita contains dioscin and other steroidal saponins. The total saponins are hydrolyzed to produce Diosgenin. It is used extensively for rheumatoid arthritis in Northeastern China. Dioscorea opposita is an important raw material for the production of drugs for cardiovascular diseases, and is also the main raw material for nearly 200 kinds of drugs, and is known as medicinal gold.
Dioscorea opposita has high medical and economic value. With the development of science and technology and in-depth research, its application is increasingly widespread and the market demand is increasing dramatically.
Storage: Store in sealed containers at a cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Shelf life: 2 year when properly stored.
Packing:25KG/Drum, Or according to customer requirements.

Yongyuan Bio- high quality plant extract manufacturer, only select high-quality plant medicinal raw materials, 100% pure natural extraction, never care about sales, only pay attention to quality! If you want to buy the best herbal ingredients, Yongyuan Bio is your best choice!
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