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Plant Extract

  • Penthorum chinense Extract, Penthoraceae Extract
Penthorum chinense Extract, Penthoraceae Extract

Penthorum chinense Extract, Penthoraceae Extract

  • Product Code:YYR-044
  • Product Spec:10:1 TLC
  • Number of Clicks:421
  • Shelf Time:2022-05-20

Product Name: Penthorum chinense Extract, Penthoraceae Extract
Latin Name: Penthorum chinense Pursh
Part Used: whole herb
Specification: 10:1 TLC
Appearance: Brown Powder

Brand: Yongyuan Bio


Penthorum chinense Pursh is a traditional Miao medicinal herb. It is mainly distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. As an authentic Chinese herb, it has a history of more than 100 years of consumption in the region. The chemical constituents of Penthorum chinense Pursh mainly include flavonoids, organic acids, sterols, lignans, volatile oils, etc. It has various biological activities. In the context of encouraging the development of functional food sources from traditional Chinese medicine, it has good prospects for medicinal and food applications.


Storage: Stored in sealed containers in a cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Shelf life: 2 years when properly stored.
Packing: 1 KG/Bag, 25 KG/Drum.


Yongyuan Bio- high quality plant extract manufacturer, only select high-quality plant medicinal raw materials, 100% pure natural extraction, never care about sales, only pay attention to quality! If you want to buy the best herbal ingredients, Yongyuan Bio is your best choice!

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