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Plant Extract

  • Asparagus Extract, Asparagus officinalis Extract
Asparagus Extract, Asparagus officinalis Extract

Asparagus Extract, Asparagus officinalis Extract

  • Product Code:YYR283
  • Product Spec:5:1 TLC
  • Number of Clicks:617
  • Shelf Time:2020-06-18

Product name: Asparagus Extract, Asparagus officinalis Extract
Inventory Update: 230kg
Latin name: Asparagus officinalis L.
Part Used: Sprouts
Specification: 5:1,10:1
Appearance: Brown Yellow fine powder
Test Method:TLC
Brand:Yongyuan Bio.
Asparagus Description: Modern nutrition analysis, asparagus protein composition with various amino acids necessary for the human body, in proportion to the content of trace elements of selenium, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese and other inorganic elements, also contain large amounts of asparagine as the main non protein nitrogen and asparagus nitrogen acid. At the same time, the quality of various vitamins and trace elements in Asparagus was better than that of common vegetables. Nutritionists and vegetarians believe that it is a healthy food. Asparagus polysaccharide is a kind of plant polysaccharide, and it is a polysaccharide compound with some special physiological activity. It have a broad application prospect in the fields of food, health care and other fields, more and more people pay attention to it.
Storage: Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation
Shelf life: 2 year when properly stored.
We specialized in  manufacture and export of herbal extract with high quality and competitive price.
If you have any questions, welcome to contact me by sending email to yysale2@herbalextractcn.com 

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