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Plant Extract

  • Lemon Balm Extract, Melissa Extract
Lemon Balm Extract, Melissa Extract

Lemon Balm Extract, Melissa Extract

  • Product Code:YYS-051
  • Product Spec:Flavone 3%, 5: 1,10:1
  • Number of Clicks:729
  • Shelf Time:2019-07-11

Product Name: Lemon Balm Extract, Melissa Extract, Lemon Balm Extract powder, Melissae folium Extract, Melissa Officinalis Extract, Extracto de melisa, melissa officinalis leaf extract

Inventory Update: 750kg
Other Name: balm, common balm, balm mint
Botanical Source: Melissa officinalis
Specification: Flavone 3%, 5: 1,10:1
Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder
Brand: Yongyuan Bio.
Lemon Balm Description: Lemon Balm is a perennial herbaceous plant in the mint family Lamiaceae. The leaves are used as a herb, in teas, and also as a flavoring. The plant is used to attract bees for honey production. Lemon Balm is a high value of nutrition and medicine with lemon fragrance. Lemon Balm is rich in vitamin C and can be applied to the food industry and wine-making industry.
Lemon Balm Extract Application: Medicine, Seasoning, Feed.
Storage: Stored in sealed containers in a cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Shelf life: 2 years when properly stored.
Packing: 1 KG/Bag, 25 KG/Drum.
We specialized in  manufacture and export of herbal extract with high quality and competitive price.
If you have any questions, welcome to contact me by sending email to yysale2@herbalextractcn.com


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