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Fruit& Tea& Vegetables Powder

  • Lettuce Extract
Lettuce Extract

Lettuce Extract

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Product name: Lettuce Extract
Latin name: Lactuca satiua L.,LactucapsativapL.Var. Asparaginap Bailey.
Specification: 10:1
Part of used: Stem and leaf
Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder
Test Method: TLC
Ingredients: Lactucin
Brand: Yongyuan Bio.
Lettuce Extract Description: Asparagus lettuce is an annual or biennial herb of Compositae, which can be divided into two categories: leaf and stem. Asparagus lettuce is rich in nutrients, including protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, trace elements and food fiber. It can promote the development of bone, hair and skin, and help human growth. Compared with Asparagus lettuce, Asparagus lettuce leaves have 40% higher protein, 1 times more fat, 33% higher dietary fiber, 83% higher carotene, 2 times more vitamin B1 and 68% higher vitamin C. Asparagus lettuce stems and leaves contain Lactucin, bitter taste, can enhance gastric juice, stimulate digestion, increase appetite, and has the role of analgesia and hypnosis.
Lettuce Extract Application: Food, health products and cosmetics, etc.
Storage: Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Shelf life: 2 year when properly stored.
Packing: 25KG/Drum.
We specialized in  manufacture and export of herbal extract with high quality and competitive price.
If you have any questions, welcome to contact me by sending email to yysale2@herbalextractcn.com 
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