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Mushrooms extract

  • Fomes officinalis Extract, Fomitopsis officinalis Extract
Fomes officinalis Extract, Fomitopsis officinalis Extract

Fomes officinalis Extract, Fomitopsis officinalis Extract

  • Product Code:YYR275
  • Product Spec:10%-30%polysaccharides
  • Number of Clicks:483
  • Shelf Time:2022-04-29

Product Name: Fomes officinalis Extract, Fomitopsis officinalis Extract

INCI Name: Fomes Officinalis (Mushroom) Extract 

Botanical Source: Fomes officinalis (Fomitopsis officinalis)

Part Used: Fruiting body

Specification: 10%-30%polysaccharides 
Test Method: UV
Appearance: Brown fine powder
Brand: Yongyuan Bio.


Fomes officinalis, also named Fomitopsis officinalis, is a traditional midicine herb in Xinjiang. The fruiting body of Fomes officinalis is horseshoe-shaped to conical or cylindrical along the tree, and the epidermis is cracked and rough when mature. Its main components are polysaccharides, terpenoids and saponins. As a medicinal fungus, Fomes officinalis has multiple biological activities.
Application: Cosmetics, Supplement, Pharma, etc.

Storage: Store in sealed containers at a cool & dry place. Protect from light, moisture and pest infestation.
Shelf life: 2 years when properly stored.
Packing: 25KG/Drum.


Yongyuan Bio- high quality plant extract manufacturer, only select high-quality plant medicinal raw materials, 100% pure natural extraction, never care about sales, only pay attention to quality! If you want to buy the best herbal ingredients, Yongyuan Bio is your best choice!

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